March 29, 2016April 2, 2016Audio, Just Thinking You must die Okay, “this post right here, this post right here” is some deep post. It ain’t for the surface thinkers, so listen up […]
March 21, 2016March 21, 2016Just Thinking There’s a war going on! I promised you we’d begin our Blog Talk tonight, but twas not to be on the site, so here goes. Subscribe […]
November 1, 2015August 17, 2015Just Thinking The debt is settled The audio post is for grateful people who can’t say “Thank you” enough. It’s for do-gooders who won’t let “Thank you” be […]
October 1, 2015October 1, 2015Audio, Just Thinking, Podcasts We Are All Victims It’s interesting how in our efforts to appear more righteous than we really are that we fail to be righteous at all, […]
August 13, 2015October 1, 2015Just Thinking Respect with a twist This post is an idea that I had about another nature of respect; an idea that eventually became my reality. I guess […]
May 24, 2015January 22, 2020Audio, Just Thinking, Podcasts Types of Negroes A straight-talking word about self-love and self-hatred; unity and tribal community; it’s about at least two types of Negroes that descended from […]
October 25, 2013August 13, 2015Just Thinking Humanity I got a flash for others like myself who think you got yo shh-stuff together: “You just think you do.” Trust me, […]
October 5, 2013August 13, 2015Just Thinking Maturity Lately, I’ve been thinking about what it means to be mature. I’ve been noticing the behavior of individuals over 30 and wondering […]
July 28, 2013September 14, 2021Just Thinking Speaking of Race What would you say if I told you that everyone in America is a racist? What would you say if I told […]
April 5, 2013August 13, 2015Just Thinking, Spirituality That period at the end… I once read a t-shirt that said something to this effect: “It is not the difficulties of life that scare me; but […]