A few weeks ago, I launched this blog to invite my
fabyoulous sisters around the country to join me in
the celebration of the half-century. My thinking
was that since I am going to celebrate my life, I may
as well invite about 2.2 million other women my age
to join me. So I did.
Looking at my life, I realize that
I have a lot going on: I have two teenagers;
I’m writing several books; I’ve launched a family
business; I have teaching and administrative
responsibilities at the university; and I have a
spouse who expects me to be a wife sometimes.
I’m juggling lots of balls.
So what about you; how are you managing?
Talk to us. You can tell us how you are working
or how you have worked your life. Or you can
share other things you’ve learned over the years
All are welcome to click and comment.
Our posts for this series will be short.
In one or two sentences, tell us what you’ve
learned. For example, I’ve learned that I can
change my mind, even after the ink dries.
What have you learned?
Comments are closed.