
Lying is so easy. It is easy to spit a lie to protect your image. It is simple to say: “I was late because I had an emergency” or “traffic was backed up.” Very common lies we use because we are afraid that if we tell the truth–we just plain forgot–we won’t be forgiven. “We won’t be calling him for anything; he is not a good manager of time.” You can’t risk that so you lie. Ironically, no one believes you when you tell these lies, because everyone tells them to play the game, yet is a respected way to cover up common mistakes. I guess in our culture being considered “professional” preclude our being considered honest or human, even. So the lies continue. Or, could you simply say, “I messed up,” and deal with the consequences. Part of the payoff for your honesty is that your integrity consoles you when you lose credibility, although your accusers are liars. Man, it’s crazy. Remember integrity? I believe it’s more than being honest. It is how you behave when no one is around; it’s telling the truth without having a witness to testify—swear—on your behalf. It’s picking up a piece of paper without an audience, or turning in a valuable you found when no one is there as pressure to do so. You are your only witness or audience. And your integrity is your only pressure. But if you lied to protect yourself, I’d certainly understand.

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