The debt is settled
The audio post is for grateful people who can’t say “Thank you” enough. It’s for do-gooders who won’t let “Thank you” be enough.
–teaching the skill of love with radical acceptance–
The audio post is for grateful people who can’t say “Thank you” enough. It’s for do-gooders who won’t let “Thank you” be enough.
…much forgiveness is required. This post does not address how the “very”people who are WRONG are the ones you need to be forgiving. Another post for another time, though, right now.. to whom much is forgiven
It’s interesting how in our efforts to appear more righteous than we really are that we fail to be righteous at all, and we fall victim to our own self-righteousness. In this post, I believe I on to something about what it means to truly care for others, everyone–not just some of us.
Ten lessons that I have learned (and counting) on what good leaders do. I’m sure there is more to come, so stay tuned as the journey continues.
This post is an idea that I had about another nature of respect; an idea that eventually became my reality. I guess I got myself told.
A straight-talking word about self-love and self-hatred; unity and tribal community; it’s about at least two types of Negroes that descended from enslaved Africans in America–one that love being Black and one that hates everything that is Black.
The scarey, circular predicament that characterizes the tragedy of being human. Huh? We do things that don’t make sense but we can’t help it–we are only human. I get it, but it’s still tragic.
Have you ever thought that there may be another explanation to the “crabs in the barrel” phenomenon? Well, I did. Here’s mine.
I got a flash for others like myself who think you got yo shh-stuff together: “You just think you do.” Trust me, someone or something will come along and show you who you really are. Okay, ” who you really are ALSO.” I recall the story a Preacher once told about a newlywed couple who, changed their opinion of each other after they had been married about 3 months. The preacher (Rev. Foster) said that the gentleman was always putting is best foot forward; but his sweetheart should have had “sense enough to know he had another foot!” Well, y’all we each have another foot. Let me just call myself out: “I have another foot.”
This is hard for me, but it’s important for me to acknowledge. I, now, know what sexists, racists, ageists, heterosexists, ableists, colorists, and classists must feel. THEY HAVE NO IDEA THAT THEY ARE any of these things. They are nice people with gay and/or Black friends. They go to church or synagogue or mosque; they give to charities and homeless men and women on the street (sometimes); they help friends and neighbors move, and give rides to strangers (on occasion). BUT, they have another foot. Okay, we have another foot. Where am I going with all of this?
The best we can do is try to live with our duality. We are nice people (most of us). And the other not-so-nice people have another foot too–they just choose to step on people more, so we don’t get to see their other foot as much. But, it’s there, I know it. But, for the “good” (wink, wink) people, we must recognize that we are human. We eat, breathe, sleep, bleed, yes, and sh/defaecate. I don’t know why we try to live as if we don’t eliminate. We do. It’s necessary for cleansing and other very important bodily functions. It’s human, I’m human. And as much as I hate my humanity–the ugly stuff I do, think, and sometimes say, it’s a part of who I am.I need both of me. Remember when Superman realized that he needed both parts of himself to be Superman? Yeah, it’s like that. Both me’s make me who I am. I need them both to help me be the best me possible
Debra: “My name is Debra and I am human.”
Other Humans: Hi Debra!