I went to bed too early (I reckon) so I kept waking up all through the night. When I’d awaken, I’d turn and lie on either my left or right side and attempt to sleep in fetal position, thinking this would help me get back to sleep, but it never worked. Then I remembered hearing an expert say that sleeping on one’s back is the best way to sleep, so I laid flat on my back. Often while sleeping, I’d get too warm so I’d flip my pillow and spread my arms and legs to find cooler spaces on the bed until I cool off. So, I followed this ritual all night last night, all night. And it was somewhere around 2-something (I looked at the clock) as I was cooling myself and realized that my lying down position was reminiscent of the outstretched arms of the infamous crucifix. That was the moment when the word “surrender” entered my experience; right then I stopped trying to go to sleep and simply went to sleep. Of course, I kept waking up but when I did, I knew exactly what to do–model the greatest example of surrender ever. Ashe (so let it be).