Being Real
If you are not begin totally honest in your close relationships then something is missing, “the real you.” And I’m talking about honest about who you are and what you want and what is important to you. Whatcha waiting for? You can’t lose if it’s real or “magic” as Stevie says. Come with it and if it’s there when you “wake up,” then guess what “it’s real, bruh.”
Evil: Not the “Bad” You think it is.
Evil gets a bad rep in our world. Someone has decided and convinced the rest of us that evil is this sinister (note the “sin” in that word), diabolical, ratchet, wretched doing. It ain’t necessarily so: If you consider that any misdeed or unkindness could be considered evil in comparison to good then anything not good or loving IS EVIL. Now how do you compare? If don’t want to be evil then always, always do good. You really do have a choice. Share.
Ignore What People Think!
I don’t know about you but “um pumped” about this news! “I AM” been waiting all of my life for this revelation. I mean something that will free me from the tyranny of other peoples’ judgment of anything about me. First of all the good stuff I know or don’t believe anyway; and the bad stuff, well—I know that’s “yo stuff” not mine. So, with this not-so-new-news I’m born again. Man, I’m free! And if you know me I’m always looking for new ways to get free. Ahhhhhhhh Liberation, I love for it (live).
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Being Real
If you want a real relationship in in love, in business, or in life PERIOD then you have got to
come to the relationship being real.
Sing your song
“If feel a song in my heart again” are the words to a Gladys Knight and the Pipps song from back in the day. As I was experiencing my daily journey, I found my self singing. I looked up at a beautiful sky and felt like singing. Usually, when I take a moment to contemplate the wonder of nature I sing the hymn “How Great Thou Art.” But this time, I started to sing another song ( I don’t remember which one 🙂 and realized that singing uplifts me. Singing gives me hope, singing changes my mood. So, I noted:
To hope, according to Carolyn Myss is to pray and is a spiritual practice. Today I pray that you have it within you to always hope. For me it’s all that is left when everything else fades.
Everything is alright
There is not more I can say to set this audio post up. But should your technology fail you and you can’t hear me say it: Just know that every-thing is gonna be alright.
Do What You are Called to do (historical legacy)
Okay, not all of us know what our calling is. So, let’s just say that whatever it is that you really want to do don’t let anyone get in your way. Think of it, had computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee listened to the discourage-rs of his time he may not have invent the World Wide Web, and you wouldn’t be reading this post. So we can say that this invention was apart of his calling, his historical legacy. Get me? Now humor me and listen to my musings: