Introducing Dr. Nixon

Debra Ann Nixon is a family therapy
graduate professor, inspirational speaker,
author and relationship consultant. Her unique
perspective on relationships, is “everything”
“is about relationships… it just a mater of context.”
An extraordinary and passionate international lecturer,
she also is author of a half dozen books, and is the
founder of Liberation Outreach International,
a spiritual community dedicated to service and personal

An avid champion for inclusion, Dr. Nixon’s

Topics Tailored to
Your Specific Needs
and Goals

A provocative and inspiring workshop on the importance of leadership in embracing and inviting inclusion in the workplace. Dr. Nixon provides poignant examples of prominent leaders’ use of inclusion and the resulting success and/or failure. Powerful.

Language is perhaps the most important tool in creating a fine-tuned, well-functioning organization. Too often people underestimate the art and simplicity of open, honest interfacing. This workshop demonstrates the effective use of language and challenges and educates people to use words to create a more inviting work environment.

Leveraging Different Strengths
Every person has a special gift to contribute to the growth and well being of their organization; not all gifts are given the proper respect; and not all gifts have been given due prominence and appreciation. Dr. Nixon helps individuals assess and access specific gifts and helps leadership with the talent placement and positioning for optimum productivity.

Team (community) Building
At the end of the day, people want to feel valued; they want to feel accepted; they want to feel good about showing up for work. They want to enjoy a work environment, which means they know that they are liked for who they are and that they don’t have to pretend to be somebody or something that they are not. Dr. Nixon can take the most diverse group and creates a tight-knit community while maintaining the integrity each individual’s identity. Unity does not mean uniformity; but it is possible to create unity from diversity.

Additional presentations topics include: Conflict Resolution, Anger Management, Managing Anxiety, and Personal and Professional development

I’ll have more to say later, just wanted to introduce myself for now

Want Something Different?

Yup, then you’ve got to do something different. I am the queen–yes the queen– of diversity. I call myself the Do Something Different Diva because it is the name of the movement that I help to launch at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale Florida. We are in the process of creating a more welcoming and inclusive university campus from the grassroots up. Our campus is one of the most diverse environments in South Florida. It is a place of higher learning that has attracted students from all over the globe. We aim to keep ’em coming, so we are doing our part to let everyone know that we want them to not only stay with us until they graduate, but we want them to enjoy our company while they’re with us.

So, “Do Something Different” is about every one taking it upon themselves to do the things that help to make our campus the kind of place that they can feel good about. Yes, we are holding ourselves responsible for creating this very safe, caring community. For example, I speak to everyone that I pass because I value people. I smile at people I don’t know because I believe in the healing power of a smile. Now, what would make this work for me is that everyone that I speak to or smile at would speak and smile at me. But, for it become viral when these same people speak to and smile at someone else–it continues to multiply. Before you know it, we have a different campus environment–we have made the difference that we seek. We will have created a real community. Now, if this is corny it is because we have allowed ourselves to forget that we are truly noble and magnanimous caring, people. Try it, and then let me know how it works. i can’t wait to hear your story.

Peace and do something different

Your DSD Diva!

Educational Tools

“To Teach is to touch a life for ever”

My first passion and gift is teaching; I am always looking for ways to teach others what I know. My teaching, then, goes beyond my classroom. I teach in a variety of workshops: I do relationship therapy, I mentor my students (adults) and my children’s friends (teens). So I am always teaching someone something.

Then I wonder is the act of teaching really my gift. Perhaps my gift is human engagement. Maybe I just want to be in relationship with other humans in meaninful ways so that the product of that engagement is somebody learns something new and then does something new that signals that life for them in now better. Often I learn from others as I am “teaching” them. That’s it! I don’t teach, I inspire learning. I help create or better, I stir-up the potential for learning within others.In other words, all I do is smile, ask meaningful questions, tell a few jokes, and expect that whatever is inside students will poke them so that they let it out. I like that better, I’m a gifted inciter.

So on this page you will find an array of educational offerings that will hopefully incite you from the inside. Included in the list below is a description of the product or service, a few words about my expertise in that area, and a link for how to access the product/service.

Multicultural & Diversity

Diversity is more than cultural and ethnicity. Diversity is simply difference. What I do is use the liberation (my therapeutic philosophy) approach for helping individuals and groups negotiate difference in ways that respects difference, invites acceptance, and creates community

Click for testimonials

To Book Dr.Nixon click here

Writing Skills

I am a certified academic writing instructor and coach with over 600 hours of teaching on the topic. Writing well is all about the basics. Attendees will learn to: Click here to learn more

  • Write clear, concise sentences
  • Properly punctuate a sentence
  • Use precision in word choice
  • Construct well structured sentences, paragraphs, and papers
  • Use various kinds of punctuation
  • Write eloquent literature reviews
  • Construct a functional outline

Now, as simple as that sounds most people don’t write very well. And the reason that most don’t write very well is because they never learned the rudiments, the basics. Dr. Debra makes writing easy.

Licensure Exam Prep

State board exams are perhaps one of the most daunting test situations outside of those dreaded school achievement tests. Man! But wait, you know what the dread is? Passing the blasted thing. But wait, you know what else? The problem is not the test; it’s the social pressure of not measuring up; of failing and having others know you failed. Worry no more; fear no more! My one-day workshop for passing standard test will help you change your relationship to your particular test, so that when you “sit” for the exam, you are not concerned about passing, but you are confident and prepared victor.

Now, this workshop is designed specifically for those who want to past the exam the first time.

click here to sign up

Or Order Your In-home Tutorial

Email:href=”http://mailto:[email protected]”>[email protected]

Diversity Explored

Just mentioning the word “diversity” can change the entire mood of a room for some people. Primary, I suspect, because leadership (in many areas) have not managed it very well. And that’s unfortunate, as diversity simply means difference. Managing, valuing, and privileging difference is what diversity management is about. So the leader: president, supervisor, teacher, pastor, etc who understands this very simple idea will not avoid diversity but will seek to maximize diversity.

So what has given diversity such a bad name when everyone knows how having many different points of views–options–may yield the most desirable outcomes. The answer is fear. Yup, the long-story-short of it is fear. Flash, it is not “the ‘love of money’ that is ‘the root of all evil.”‘ It is unquestioned fear is the root of all evil. Allow me to continue this digression for a minute. Now think about it. Fear is at the basis of every thing that keeps us from fulfilling our dreams (becoming a singer, doctor, scientist, business-owner, fashion designer, school teacher). Think about all of the phobias that have been coined to capture the essences of our fears. Now, how about the grand-mama of them all: “The fear of the unknown.” What is that about? Anyway, it’s time to do something about our fears; they have kept us enslaved for far too long. Right now, we must especially attend to the fears that prevent us from engaging our human differences. From where I stand, our survival depends on it.

Humanity’s survival depends on our putting the best and most diverse systems in place. The systems, of course, depend on your line of service or work. And, highly functioning and functional systems are devoid of personal prejudices or biases because all it knows it that it is working or it’s not. Take a look around and you’ll find that the most successful systems from the human body to the ant colony works optimally because good diversity management. In other words, both systems utilize difference to survive.

So far, I’ve talked in general terms about our need to embrace difference. On occasion, I will share with you articles that deal more specifically with what embracing difference means to us all. For now, I am simply inviting you to visit my blog and share your thoughts. Everyone is welcome and you may blog about whatever issue of difference that you want. I am passionate about many topic: Gender, religion and ethnicity are my top three. But I have lots of time to share with you. I’m interested in your thought. Go to:

Another blog that may be of interest to you is one that we created for our university inclusion moment. “Do Something Different” is our way of getting people moving to create an more inclusive university community.

Diversity matters are so much a part of my life that I have a special resume of diversity activity. If you want to invite me to share with your company/school/agency, this information should have you decide if I’m your woman:

For Dr. Nixon’s Diversity resume click here

To book Dr.Nixon click here

Related Product and Services

  • Diversity Training
  • MFT’s and the spiritual community Educational Settings
  • Campus Inclusion survey (copyrighted)
  • On multicultural curriculum (Create CD)
  • Creating Multicultural community in the Classroom
  • Notes on Diversity and Mulitculturalism (Create CD set)
  • Corporate Diversity Training

Email: [email protected]

Dr. Nixon in the News

Chronicle web site:

Audio of me saying something deep


Audios from student voices


Picture of me working with someone
Audio of me saying something about relationships

Get intake form

We are at all times in relationship to something good or bad; the problem is how to embrace the bad ones and allow them to lead us to the good ones.

If you are in search of a good relationship, begin with yourself. Once you learn to live with yourself, you might just find away to manage your other relationships.

As a relationship consultant, I will help you manage your relationships so that you become an expert at maintaining healthy relationships beginning with the one you have with yourself.

Contact Me [email protected]

Who is Dr. Nixon, really?

If you read the welcome page you already know a few things about me. But what I did not share was that I am a deeply compassionate person; I sleep best when I am teaching students and helping clients reach their goals; I spring out of bed just thinking about doing something that will make me and others better; I have a soft, tender spot in my heart for those that most people consider “bad guys” I love these children. I call them children because when I see the poor choices that they make, and I know that they are just misbehaving out of some deeply held fear; I value relationships, especially with my girlfriends; I struggle, sometimes, with my own greatness—sometimes it overwhelms me; I love good music and I will dance by myself in a heartbeat. I am so much more, but I’ll stop here as therapy is more ABOUT YOU than me. Peace.

My Experience

I have worked with people in many different settings over the past 25 years. I have done counseling with adults—single, married, heterosexual and homosexual; conducted workshops in faith-based or spiritual settings (35 plus yrs) and for educational institutions; and facilitated relationship seminars for men, women, and couples. Currently, I am a graduate instructor and supervisor for a reknown marriage and family therapy program, and I see clients privately. Keep reading for a flavor of my unique perspective.

My Unique Perspective

  • Problems are really solutions in disguised
  • Personal Freedom leads to happiness
  • Primary Objective in therapy is to facilitate: Personal and Spiritual Liberation–Freedom

What I do

  • Provide relationship consultation using a systemic (context-sensitive) model of relationship management.
  • Facilitate more effective communication patterns
  • Training art of listening
  • Promote Conflict Resolution–peace
  • Provide creative proactive discussions
  • Create more effective interactions

Finally, I am open and respectful to all human relationship configurations–I am inclusive in my practice. I am not bias-free, but my goal is to be accepting and loving to everyone who will trust me and allow me into their lives and relationships. If you or your organization has one of the needs listed below, book me today by clicking the link below. Or if you would like to speak to me personally email your phone number and someone will call to schedule an appointment. If you are interested in making an appointment for therapy, coaching, etc

INTAKE FORM click here

Contact Information:

Email: [email protected]

Related Product and Services


Women’s Group (create the silly women CD)

Certified hypnotherapy

Youth and Spirituality



Men’s Groups (see what you can make of what you have)



Certified hypnotherapy

Self Care





Product and Services


How to Write the Perfect “Comma Sense” Paper Comma Sense  will help you to write clear and elegant sentences. Learn when and how to use a comma, colon, semi colon, dash, or parenthesis. End your fear of paper and report writing. CSP1 $9.97 Available for Academic Writing Workshop  see booking information.How to Raise Spiritual Teens

If you are concerned about the spiritual health of your teens this little book will provide you with tips on how to instill your most cherished values. RST1 $9.97
The Relationship Business Plan Planning to get married, get engaged Or on beginning a new relationship RBP1 $49.97
E-books  Let’s Stay Together: A Guide for  Making Marriage Work [Workbook included] Trying to keep your relationship  together? This simple book offers simple tips and exercises on how to    work no matter  LST1 $19.97
Raising Good Stewards: Children’s  Church Curriculum This comprehensive curriculum will revolutionize children’s Bible studies. Methodical, systematic,  doctrinally sound. RGS1 $497.00 Available for training workshop; see  booking information.

CD’s Rewriting Marriage (with Fran Harris) Provocative interview about the Nature of the institution of marriage. This CD might save your relationship RWM1 $9.97

The Culturally Diverse  Classroom Dr. Nixon shows instructors How to create a close knit classroom  community while having provocative,  volatile conversations on race, class, and  gender. CDC1 $29.97

Available for training workshop; see  booking information.

Therapeutic Services

Liberation Therapy

As a liberation therapist, I believe that problems are a product of binding or restricting beliefs, and I use the spiritual nature of human relating and language to help you change how you relate to your problem. The goal of liberation therapy, then, is to change the relationship that you have with your beliefs (problems) so that you can experience more options in your life and therefore, more freedom. Problems, in my view, are not bad, but can lead to liberation. I can help you free yourself (i.e., change your language –thoughts, ideas, actions) so that you can meet your personal and professional goals.



I am a certified hypnotherapist with over a decade of therapeutic experience. I have worked with issues of generalized anxiety, test anxiety, sleeplessness, hot flashes etc.

Hypnosis only works with specific concerns and cultivating the therapeutic relationship is very important.


Educational Workshops

Diversity & Multicultural

Diversity is more than cultural and ethnicity. Diversity is simply difference. What I do is use the liberational approach and helping individuals and groups negotiate difference in ways that respects difference, invites acceptance, and creates community. Click for more information. To book Dr. Nixon click here.


Writing Skills

I am a certified academic writing instructor and coach with over 600 hours of teaching on the topic. Attendees will learn to:

Write clear, concise sentences

Properly punctuate a sentence

Use precision in word choice

Construct well structured sentences, paragraphs, and papers

Use various kinds of punctuation

Write eloquent literature reviews

Construct a functional outline

Click here to learn more



Licensure Exam Prep

This one-half-day workshop is sure to help you past that blasted exam. Learn to use your personal style of learning to help you better prepare for the exam. Then learn how to leverage what you don’t know to help you succeed where you’ve failed before. Take this course at least five months before your exam date.

Sign-up for the course for May 23, 2009 and pay only 99.97 (save 50.00). Pass your next standardized test without breaking a sweat. Click here for more details


Things to do Until the Shrink Comes “Don’t need a therapist?” Buy this book and take care own mental health. Simple and clear and cheap  advice. USC1 $19.97

Introducing Liberation Therapy

Liberation Therapy uses a combination of relational therapy (attending to the interconnectedness of various relationships’ dynamics); spiritual consciousness (invisible connections unexplained, but evident in interactions); and traditional narrative therapy (creating community, and agency and empowerment). It uses the metaphor of the “womb” to depict the relationship between therapist and client as a safe place for therapeutic redemption or exchange.   Translation: What this means is as a client you can expect the following experience:

• I will not tell you what you should do because only you know that
• You thoughts are more important to me than my thoughts  
• We will work together to help you to get to a better place
• There are many ways to get to a better place and together we’ll figure it out  
• If you are spiritual then we’ll talk that talk; if you are not then we won’t  
• We will talk about your situation as it affects other areas of your life  
• I will do my part to create an environment that is safe for you to be honest and open  
• I will honor your story as if it is the truth–because it is.  
• I will ask questions to help you figure things out  
• Laughter is as important as crying  
• Our goal is to open options for new experiencing so that you can be free to make more useful choices  
• We’ll probably use your concern to find new solutions  
• Liberation Therapy can work with everyone all types of problems:  
       • Singles  Anxiety  
       • Women  Sadness  
       • Teens  Relationships  
       • Men  Parenting  
       • Groups  Communication  
       • Couples  Spirituality  
       • Agencies Intimacy 
       • Fear  Anger

Therapy for your Soul

What you need to do is …. What you ought to do is… Maybe if you ….. These are some of the phrases we often hear from counselors and coaches and sometimes psychologists and therapist who want to HELP solve our problems. Well, you’ll never hear me tell you what you need to do, because I don’t know what you need to do. But, what I will do is help you find the therapist in you, the inner healer; and you’ll soon discover that you don’t need me or anyone else anymore. You’ll have found yourself again. Now, I will help you do that.

Creating the Community We Want . . .

. . . begins with us. For centuries we have depended upon and looked to someone else like the preacher, the president, or the teacher to change our world. We figured that if things are going to change then someone (with some power) had to lead the movement. Not anymore, we “the people” must lead this movement. We must begin to do something different, if we want to achieve something different–If we want to build a community where all humans are valued, putting an end to the very idea of “race” and the racist ideologies that go with it.

Of course, this means that we’ll have to give up something(s) (if only temporarily) before we will see a real and lasting change. Yes, give up a few privileges–may some things– so that someone else may thrive is what it will take to get us all ahead. I guess you might already be giving up more that you’d care to. But what I’m suggestion is that you give it on purpose or with intention, not because it’s the law. Others, then, will have to learn to accept those privileges, letting go of pride to accept the gift of comfort. This is simplistic and not even the half of what will have to happen before we create the community that we want, but it’s a start. Think of what will have to happen before we can create the harmonic world that we prefer to live in.

Five Months Deep

Welcome class of 1975; born in 1957. This makes us the class of 1957 and 1975! How ya’ living? Living well I’m sure. It’s May 2007, and almost half of us are 50 now. I know you’ve got some stories, so share them with us. Now, you’d better start talking fast, because when September comes you won’t get a word in through the cracks; I’ll be 50 and it will be on like…yeah.

You know by now that they’re saying that 50 is the new 30? I say, if we play our cards right, we can ride this wave until, say, 75 or 80. Well, that’s my plan anyway. I feel great, I look great, and I’m working on feeling and looking even better. My saying these days is, “Why not!”

Why not have it my way, why not do it my way, why not, why not, why not. You know all the cliches about growing better. But are you living it? You’ve heard it all so there is nothing I can say that will make a difference in what you’re doing. Because, face it, you’re doing exactly what you want to do, if you’re honest.

You’re doing what works for you–safe or not. You’re feeling the way you want to feel–good or bad. You have what you want to have–little or lot. I just hope you’re happy with whatever it is.
because this is it! Now, you have the mic, what say you? Is 50 better than any other time or what?