Redemption is an ongoing process. Each day we can exchange something that we don’t want for something that we do want and need. But to make the switch, we need to be willing to offer up useless or worn-out behaviors for ones more beneficial, ones that offer us more options in our lives, our relationships. What makes the redemptive process even more compelling is that once set in motion, it’s contagious—you’re always doing it. And once you decide that you want something better than what you have, you will challenge yourself to do something to get it; that something can be as small as a getting a fit body or a partner that’s a better fit. Or it could be a decision to relinquish your need for acceptance and go against some long-standing societal tradition. Whatever it is, you need to do. You can do it by simply giving up something worthless in exchange for something worthwhile, something that makes you whole. Now that’s a redemptive act.